Permaculture – The Cycle of Life

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Permaculture – The Cycle of Life

Initially, I thought that the “forest garden” and the principle of permaculture were for those who love untamed growth and the “lazy” who still want to garden – but now my view and attitude towards it have drastically changed. How exciting and diverse this principle of cultivation and gardening turns out to be and how much knowledge and potential lie hidden within, waiting to be discovered, is truly fascinating. This is definitely not for the “lazy minds.”

Of course, one must appreciate the wild growth and natural appearance, otherwise, it might seem a bit too colorful and too natural for some. As I reorient myself step by step and would like everything to be “finished” by tomorrow, I am reminded again that everything happens in a cycle and therefore needs its time.

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Mega Wildlife in Istria


Wildlife in Istria

Mega Wildlife in Istria

Natural Wonders of Istria – An Ode to the Endangered Fauna and Flora

Welcome to our blog, where I also introduce you to the fascinating wildlife of our new home in Istria! Here on our property, there is an incredible diversity of living beings, and I am continually amazed at who has all found their home here. Birds, insects, mammals, and amphibians—they all populate this beautiful, wild piece of Earth. Numerous creatures: they fly, crawl, run, and jump. They sing and call, flutter and chatter.

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